Our Vision
The vision of Wesley United Methodist Church is to be a beacon of hope and love, and a source of inspiration and spiritual growth, within the community.
The Wesley United Methodist Church is part of the church universal. All persons, regardless of race, color, national origin, status, or economic condition, are welcome to attend our church, receive Holy Communion, and be baptized and admitted into membership.
Our Mission
The mission of Wesley United Methodist Church is to make disciples by evangelizing to God’s People, empowering members for ministry, and engaging the community through service.
Our Beliefs
The heart of our Christian faith is Christ’s ministry of outreaching love. We are called to minister wherever Christ would have us work to heal and free others. We believe in God’s grace, which means the unearned and loving action of God in our daily lives. In spite of suffering violence and evil in the world, we assert that God’s grace exists everywhere. Despite any circumstance, we remain creatures brought to life by a just and loving God. The reign of God is both a present and a future reality.
(773) 821-6240 (office)
(773) 821-4016 (fax)
201 East 95th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60619