We GIVE because He first GAVE

What is giving?

“But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” – 2 Corinthians 8:7

Giving to the Lord is a way of honoring His nature, His generosity toward us, and an act of faithfulness. We give generously to the Church out of gratitude for the grace that God has shown to us. Regular giving contributes to the mission of the Church, and is an opportunity to grow in faith in obedience to the Word of God. Below, the Stewardship Team has outlined some ways to contribute to the mission and ministry of Wesley United Methodist Church.

Ways to give:


In worship (check or cash)

Many people give simply by placing their gift in the offering plate during the offering. Envelopes are available on the church pews if you would like your contribution to be confidential.

Mail or drop your gift off to the church office

You may mail your gift to the church office, or drop it off in person during the week. Envelopes are available in the church office if you would like your contribution to be confidential.

Online giving

Online giving is an easy, secure, and confidential way to give. You can make one-time gifts or set up repeating gifts using a bank account or debit card.  Our online giving portal is located here.

Online bill pay through your bank

You can give to Wesley by setting up regular, automatic contributions through your bank’s bill payment service. In most cases this will automatically mail a check to the church.



(773) 821-6240 (office)

(773) 821-4016 (fax)



201 East 95th Street

Chicago, Illinois 60619