
What is the witness ministry?

Opening our church doors to others and inviting them to join us in worship is the aim of Wesley’s Witness Ministries.


Through prayer, evangelism, and all forms of communication, we share stories of faith and the good news of Jesus Christ so that others will come to know and love the Lord.

The Witness Ministries Team leads others to witness God’s grace, love and power by helping all know and respond to the love of God in Christ.

Prayer Ministry convenes every Wednesday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am providing an opportunity for group and individual prayer. Prayer requests can be submitted online or dropped in the prayer request box in the main office.

Adult Ministry keeps the congregation informed about the hopes and concerns of adults of all ages and life situations in our community, address the concerns of adults in order to aid in their growth and understanding of the Christian faith. It also has a social component called P.U.R.P.O.S.E. which seeks to show adults that fun and faith can have a healthy intersection in the church activities, including retreats, bible studies, book club meetings, and concerts.

Communications Ministry is responsible for Wesley’s website, social media and other communication channels used to promote the church.

Audio/Video Ministry is responsible for the audio and video services of the church, including Sunday church services and special programs. 

Lay Speakers (Servants) are responsible for speaking assignments throughout the church and community for the glory of God.

Ushers are our front line ministers of welcome. They serve as the hosts for worship and are critically important to set the tone of welcoming in the congregation.

Doves Ministry are our seasoned saints of Wesley. The mature members come together for fellowship and ministry opportunities for older saints. Every fourth Thursday, they go to a local nursing home to bring the word of God and love to the residents there. Annually, around Thanksgiving they hold a Church Bazaar to raise money for mission projects.

Men’s and Women’s Ministries – Helping our brothers and sisters grow into Christ’s likeness is at the core of these ministries. Recognizing that there are responsibilities, issues and concerns unique to each gender, Wesley provides opportunities for fellowship in order to promote spiritual growth..

United Methodists Men

United Methodist Women



(773) 821-6240 (office)

(773) 821-4016 (fax)




201 East 95th Street

Chicago, Illinois 60619